Who should attend: Quality Control and production personnel interested in continuously improving operations, and managers who want to improve their operation's efficiency.
Expected Outcome: Develop an understanding of the metrics of hardwood lumber production, the tools to measure operational efficiencies, and how to implement improvements.
Price: $1,995 members, $2,995 non-members.
includes hotel room (with breakfast) for arrival Monday and departure Friday, transportation for tours, lunch Tue, Wed, Thu.
Hotel reservations will be made by NHLA staff for students and confirmation numbers sent to students 1-2 weeks prior to the event. Note that registration for the event closes 2-weeks prior to the start date.
Monday arrival
4:30 pm - Welcome Dinner at NHLA HQ
Day 1: Tuesday
8:00am Process Control: What is it and Why do It?
12 noon Buffet Lunch at NHLA
1:30 pm Statistical Process Control: Tools to Manage Your Processes
4:00 pm Adjourn
Day 2: Wednesday
8:00 am Process Evaluation: Controlling Variation and Bottlenecks
12 noon Buffet Lunch at NHLA
1:30 pm Practical Application with a local sawmill tour
4:00 pm Adjourn
Day 3: Thursday
8:00 am Practical Application with a Dry Kiln tour
12 noon Buffet Lunch at NHLA
1:30 pm Process Control on the Dry End
4:00 pm Adjourn
For more information and to coordinate hotel stays, contact Roman Matyushchenko at 901-399-7569 or
r.matyushchenko@nhla.com ...